Il est maintenant possible de l’utiliser via composer :
"calendar/icsfile": "dev-master"
Pour un besoin personnel j’ai du créer cette class PHP qui génère un événement pour Outlook, gmail…
Voici la classe en question :
<?php /* * Variables used in this script: * $summary - text title of the event * $dateStart - the starting date (in seconds since unix epoch) * $dateEnd - the ending date (in seconds since unix epoch) * $address - the event's address * $description - text description of the event * $filename - the name of this file for saving (e.g. my-event-name.ics) */ namespace ical; class ical { private $name; private $timezoneICal = 'Europe/Paris'; private $dateStart; private $summary; private $dateEnd; private $filename; private $address; private $description; private $alarm = FALSE; private $repeat = FALSE; public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getTimezoneICal() { return $this->timezoneICal; } public function getDateStart() { return $this->dateStart; } public function getSummary() { return $this->summary; } public function getDateEnd() { return $this->dateEnd; } public function getFilename() { return $this->filename; } public function getAddress() { return $this->address; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function getAlarm() { return $this->alarm; } public function getRepeat() { return $this->repeat; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; return $this; } public function setTimezoneICal($timezoneICal) { $this->timezoneICal = $timezoneICal; return $this; } public function setDateStart($dateStart) { $this->dateStart = $this->_dateToCal($this->_human_to_unix($dateStart)); return $this; } public function setSummary($summary) { $this->summary = $summary; return $this; } public function setDateEnd($dateEnd) { $this->dateEnd = $this->_dateToCal($this->_human_to_unix($dateEnd)); return $this; } public function setFilename($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; return $this; } public function setAddress($address) { $this->address = $address; return $this; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; return $this; } public function setAlarm($alarm) { if (is_int($alarm)) { $this->alarm = $alarm; return $this; } else { throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " : It's not an integer", 01); } } public function setRepeat($repeat) { $this->repeat = $repeat; return $this; } /** * @name getICAL() * @access public * @return string $iCal */ public function getICAL() { $iCal = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'VERSION:2.0' . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "PRODID:" . $this->getName() . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "CALSCALE:GREGORIAN " . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "BEGIN:VEVENT" . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "DTSTART:" . $this->getDateStart() . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "DTEND:" . $this->getDateEnd() . "\r\n"; $iCal .= "SUMMARY:" . $this->_escapeString($this->getSummary()) . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'UID:' . uniqid() . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'LOCATION: ' . $this->_escapeString($this->getAddress()) . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'DESCRIPTION:' . $this->_escapeString($this->getDescription()) . "\r\n"; if ($this->getAlarm()) { $iCal .= 'BEGIN:VALARM' . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'ACTION:DISPLAY' . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'DESCRIPTION:Reminder' . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'TRIGGER:-PT' . $this->getAlarm() . 'M' . "\r\n"; if ($this->getRepeat()) { $iCal .= 'REPEAT:' . $this->getRepeat() . "\r\n"; } $iCal .= "END:VALARM" . "\r\n"; } $iCal .= 'END:VEVENT' . "\r\n"; $iCal .= 'END:VCALENDAR' . "\r\n"; return $iCal; } /** * @name _dateToCal() * @access private * @param string $timestamp * @return string */ private function _dateToCal($timestamp) { return date('Ymd\THis\Z', $timestamp); } /** * @name _escapeString() * @abstract Escapes a string of characters * @param string $string * @return string */ private function _escapeString($string) { return preg_replace('/([\,;])/', '\\\$1', $string); } /** * @name $setHeader(); */ public function setHeader() { header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $this->getFilename() . '.ics'); } /** * @name _human_to_unix() * @desciption this function is from codeigniter frameWork * @param string $datestr * @return boolean */ private function _human_to_unix($datestr) { $datestr = preg_replace("/\040+/", ' ', trim($datestr)); if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{2,4}\-[0-9]{1,2}\-[0-9]{1,2}\s[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}(?::[0-9]{1,2})?(?:\s[AP]M)?$/i', $datestr)) { throw new \Exception(__CLASS__ . " : bad" . $datestr); } $split = explode(' ', $datestr); $ex = explode("-", $split['0']); $year = (strlen($ex['0']) == 2) ? '20' . $ex['0'] : $ex['0']; $month = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0' . $ex['1'] : $ex['1']; $day = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0' . $ex['2'] : $ex['2']; $ex = explode(":", $split['1']); $hour = (strlen($ex['0']) == 1) ? '0' . $ex['0'] : $ex['0']; $min = (strlen($ex['1']) == 1) ? '0' . $ex['1'] : $ex['1']; if (isset($ex['2']) && preg_match('/[0-9]{1,2}/', $ex['2'])) { $sec = (strlen($ex['2']) == 1) ? '0' . $ex['2'] : $ex['2']; } else { // Unless specified, seconds get set to zero. $sec = '00'; } if (isset($split['2'])) { $ampm = strtolower($split['2']); if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'p' AND $hour < 12) $hour = $hour + 12; if (substr($ampm, 0, 1) == 'a' AND $hour == 12) $hour = '00'; if (strlen($hour) == 1) $hour = '0' . $hour; } return mktime($hour, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year); } }
Pour l’utiliser voici le code :
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use ical\ical; try { $ical = new ical(); $ical->setAddress('Paris'); $ical->setDateStart('2014-11-21 15:00:00'); $ical->setDateEnd('2014-11-21 16:00:00'); $ical->setDescription('wonder description'); $ical->setSummary('Running'); $ical->setFilename(uniqid()); $ical->setHeader(); echo $ical->getICAL(); } catch (Exception $exc) { echo $exc->getMessage(); }
Cette class est disponible sous Bitbucket, voici l’adresse
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